
Pubg pc lite global release date
Pubg pc lite global release date

pubg pc lite global release date

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  • pubg pc lite global release date

    No promotion of Twitch, YouTube or any other platform accounts.Posts on /r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS should ideally contain content capable of sparking discussion, and should be specifically about PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS.This includes, but is not limited to simple screenshots of loot, your inventory, or other common PUBG sights, as well as memes and any other contributions that would be considered low effort.No low effort posts, memes or unrelated topics are not to be posted.No low effort posts, memes or unrelated topics No gambling or linking to gambling websites.If you would like to find others to play with, please use our /r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS Discord using the link in the next sidebar section.Do not beg for copies of the game, codes or in-game items.Posts relating to the trading and buying of in-game items or game copies should not be made here and will be removed.No trading, begging, gambling or LFG posts Please send information regarding suspected hacking or exploiting activity to PUBG Support or, if available, PUBG Shield.Posts discussing piracy of the game are not allowed.


    Content showing hacks/cheats/exploits must encourage discussion and contain full evidence.

  • Posts containing general discussion of hacking, cheating, exploiting are allowed.
  • Reddit's content policy can be found here.ĭiscussions of exploits, hacks, cheating or piracy.
  • Any form of discrimination, bigotry, racism or hostility directed towards other players (or other games) will not be tolerated.
  • r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS Rules Follow reddiquette Stay connected to this page to know more about the new sequel of your favorite game PUBG.Remove Filtering Announcement Official Discussion Highlight Media Suggestion Meta No Media/Highlight No Meta No Highlight This is all we know so far about the PUBG 2 release date. Exactly how the leaks will turn out remains to be seen, and we continue to advise readers to read this news with caution as none of this is remotely official.

    pubg pc lite global release date

    While there is no official news on a possible PC and console game following the release of PUBG New State, that doesn’t mean the company won’t just announce it later for the other platforms. It should be noted that in India, Krafton has taken the reins of PUBG Mobile from Tencent following the government’s reaction in the country against the Chinese tech giant, launching Battlegrounds Mobile India as a replacement for the popular PUBG game.

    pubg pc lite global release date

    These games have also recently undergone various updates to give players more security offer their users a Battle Royale gaming experience and are also held responsible for popularizing this segment. PUBG which was released in 2017, and the recently released PUBG New State are among the most popular games worldwide. PUBG 2 weaponsĪ special weapon customization feature can also be added to improve the player’s gaming experience. What can you expect?Ī much more realistic environment with better texture details. Not much is known about this either, but the improved graphics and new elements in PUBG are a great option.

    Pubg pc lite global release date